Senin, 31 Maret 2014

Third task of writing 3 (Adequate and Inadequate Cohesion)

SRN : 12340010

How to write paragraph with adequate and inadequate cohesion. Adequate and inadequate cohesion is a categories to make a good paraghraph ,in the last posted i have explain about adequate and inadequate coherence ,now i will write more about adequate and inadequate cohesion in paragraph ,a good paragraph is a paragraph that included of the paragraph to be present, you should pay attention in the content of the paragraph, how to write paragraph with good cohesion ? the first you should know the main ideas of the paragraph ,than you should pay attention on :
·         We have to know about repetation of the same elements
·         We have to use the pronoun
·         And we have to use conjunction .
What is the meaning of cohesion ? if we talk about cohesion and how important cohesion in our writing ? i will say that cohesion is really important. Because why? If you write paragraph with cohesion you will write about something that still connect each other for exampe: how are you ? are you in a good condition right ? you still live in metro ?.so cohesion is the responsibility of the writer in english to make the reader clear how various parts of the paragraph are connected. Because every text has a structure. It is not just a random collection of sentences. The parts that make these relationship in this text ,make a meaningfull each otherand show how the sentences are related. So what is the real meaning of cohesion ? cohesion is the grammatical and lexical linking within a text or sentence that holds a text together and gives meaning. There are two main types of cohesion :
·         Grammatical cohesion
·         Lexical cohesion
In my previous posted i have explain about coherence and in this case iam going to      explain about the difference between cohesion and coherence .
            Cohesion is a writing that still connect each other and coherence in literally means that “sticking together “ when we applied in our writing it refers to how well the writing how well it flow from the idea to the text and in coherence you will find the verb,subject each sentences will be same for example paragraph coherence : for me the worst thing about waiting tables is the uniform. All the waitresses had to wear this ugly brown striped jumper.
  The other difference between cohesion and coherence is if you write your paragraph with    coherence so the reader will know thar you have a consistent in your writing. Consistantly and continously through your writing you can connect each paragraph some how,that you can consistantly write consistantly as well. You can express yourself clearly. If you will write paragraph with cohesion you need some steeps that you must do for make your paragraph be a good paragraph. There are 2 strategies :
1 .Macro level strategies :cohesion in writing is achieved in many ways. It is created at the overall text and paragraph level by :
- the structure and content of your introductions and conclutions.
- the overall structure of your text – how the parts fit together .
- the structure of your individual argument .
- The way you structure your paragaph .
2. Micro level strategies
- theme and thematic progression
- vocabulary choices
- reference
So the difference between cohesion and coherence is : content of the sentence still connect each other we call it cohesion. If the subject , sentence ,verb each sentence same that include of coherence.



Hay , in this spesial moment i will describing about myself , why i want to describe about myself ? because i want to be famous people ,and i want all of people know about me hehe, in this case i will write about my phisicaly my hobby,my character and soon. So let’s read carefully 

My name is ADELIA TAUFINATA so that you can call me adel,dela ,ade, yeah whatever you want to call me ,but please don’t call me ‘TAU’ .I was born on may 1994,   Now i’m 19 years old,  now I study in Muhammadiyah University of Metro. I’m in the 4th semester. I  take english department. I have big enough body , i look like ‘Adele’ hehe.... i have heigh about 158 cm and about my weight pleasee don’t ask me about that because i never counting. I have yellow creamy skin, i have long straight hair , usuall nose, chink eyes, thick eyebrow, thin lips and oval face. I live in Sumberrejo, Batanghari ,East Lampung. I live there with my family ,my parents and also my brother and my sister. I’m the first child in my family, so i like a queen in my home who always sneaky on my brother and sister,but actually i care about them ,i’m is a good old sister and i love them like Mr.Crab loves his money. I’m a dilligent daughter i always wake up early morning to help my mother. I’am a fussy person but i’m a beautiful girl, easy going, and friendly ( i think ). . I like to read a new book, book with full colour , i dislike if the book just white and black that make me bored, for me book is a medicine to sleep faster. Watching movie is one of my interest hoby , whatever the kind of movie i like ,because movie can incrase my ability in speaking english ,i can see how their pronounciation, and about their expression. I spend my free time in holiday most of my free time to do my assigment ,why ? because i go to campus every day so there are a lot of home work that i must do in my free time.

Okey , that’s all about myself , iam a big beautiful girl who always smile althought so many people always jugde me because of my body , but i don’t care about that. I always try to study hard ,pray to God ,be a good daughter and letter i will make my parents proud of me .

Paragraph or sentences which categorized into cohesion and why ?

 The first is brown colour with underline sentence ,include of cohesion because the sentence relevan each other
second is yellow colour with underline ,why that sentences include of cohesion ? becouse there I use the conjunction to connect each sentences like “but,but also and soon”. Third is black underline sentence because there i use the pronouns like “that”. Than purple with underline sentence is indicate of cohesion because I use relationship timeline marker. Than green with underline sentence why that include into cohesion because there I give detail information about location
That all about my reason why my sentence with diferent and underline are incloude into cohesion , if there are some mistakes i’m sorry because I still study ,and please give comment on my blog , thank you J .

Senin, 24 Maret 2014


SRN: 12340010
Description on how to write paragraph with adequate and inadequate unity and also about coherence . adequate and inadequate is one of tehe important thing if we write an essay of paragraph. There are so many definition of paragraph. Paragraph is a group of sentences and consist of so many word. Unity is  the good criteria of paragraph , state the main idea of the paragraph in clearly constructed topic sentence. Make sure each sentence is related to the central thought. Why we must have adequate and inadequate if we write a paragraph because that the important componen when we write a paragraph . not only adequate and inadequate but also we must know about coherence, coherence comes from latin word meaning “ to stick together,and logical and orderly and consistent relation of parts. So coherence is on of the important thing also if we write a paragraph . here the writer will give example of paragraph with adequate and inadequate and also coherence , this about “describing self”. Let’s enjoy to read !

Everything About Me
Hay , in this spesial moment i will describing about myself , why i want to describe  about myself ? because i want to be famous people ,and i want all of people know about me hehe... in this section i will tell you about my hobby,my family and everything about me , so let’s read!.
My name is ADELIA TAUFINATA you can call me adel,dela ,ade, yeah whatever   you want to call me ,but please don’t call me ‘TAU’ .  Now i’m 19 years old,  now i study in Muhammadiyah University of Metro. I’m in the 4th semester. I have enough body , i look like ‘Adele’ hehe.... i have heigh about 158 cm and about my weight pleasee don’t ask me about that because i never counting. I have yellow creamy skin, i have long straight hair , usuall nose, chink eyes, thick eyebrow, thin lips and oval face. I live in Sumberrejo, Batanghari ,East Lampung. I live there with my family ,my parents and also my brother and my sister. I’m the first child in my family, so i like a queen in my home who always sneaky on my brother and sister,but actually i care about them ,i’m is a good old sister and i love them like Mr.Crab loves his money. I’m a dilligent daughter i always wake up early morning to help my mother. I’am a fussy person but i’m a beautiful girl, easy going, and friendly ( i think ). I have  past ). I like to read a new book, book with full colour , i dislike if the book just white and black that make me bored, for me book is a medicine to sleep faster. Watching movie is one of my interest hoby , whatever the kind of movie i like ,because movie can incrase my ability in speaking english ,i can see how their pronounciation, and about their expression. I spend my free time in holiday most of my free time to do my assigment ,why ? because i go to campus every day so there are a lot of home work that i must do in my free time.
Okey , that’s all about myself , iam a big beautiful girl who always smile althought so many people always jugde me because of my body , but i don’t care about that. I always try to study hard ,pray to God ,be a good daughter and letter i will make my parents proud of me .

Note : Orange colour: introduction
           Blue colour : identification and description
           Red colour : concluding